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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

last minute - 1

The fig tree outside our kitchen/dining room window is now bare of the rather large leaves – and fruit – of summer. It stands with its limbs lifted upward as though in a position of praise to its creator – also in faith, awaiting the buds and leaves of the coming spring.

As I gazed at this scene, several birds were populating these limbs. Six of these winged critters were cardinals; three were bright red, showing that they were the males of the species. The other three were mostly brown with only slight hints of red – the normal coloration of the female.

Three more of the creatures of flight in attendance were blue jays, all in their dress blues. There was no clue prominent enough for me to determine whether they were males or females. In the leaves under the tree was a small brown bird, difficult to see and even harder to identify, as it was so close in color to the brown leaves among which it was scratching. None of these small, shy individuals seemed to be the least bit concerned that it was almost Christmas and all the shopping wasn’t done.

Leaving this relaxing and somewhat idyllic scene, I ventured forth into the hustle and bustle of the world of commerce and last minute shopping. My favorite wife had a few things to finish up so I volunteered to drive her to make it easier on her nerves and legs.

We worked out a bit of a formula to help speed up these stops and make them less physically demanding. She is dropped off at the door of her place of shopping and then I retreat to the far corner of the parking lot and wait for her to call me by cell phone. Whereupon I then drive back and pick her up – this has been used in the past and worked well again today. The wife is helped, the chore is quickened and I have to do almost NO shopping.

To be continued.


Blogger Bonita said...

I have to laugh - I see a number of men coming to this same conclusion about their wives shopping - drop them off at the door.

I tired of all the ostentation of Christmas at the Mall a few years ago, and now I just go to Safeway, pick up gift cards to all the places that I want to shop. I do all of my shopping in 5 minutes, no lines, no packages and wrapping, and my family choose what they want after Christmas, when the Malls are empty. Ahhhh. Works for us!

And, your little brown bird sounds like he's lost the flock. Oh my. Or, is he just a little genius waiting to be reborn...

12/20/2005 03:15:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

bonita - All of nature is amazing to me. ec

12/20/2005 11:09:00 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Hmmm ... I shopped today and Cuppa stayed home.

12/20/2005 11:09:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

AC - It may be too late for you now, once they find out you can actually do it and make it back home it will be tough to reverse. :) ec

12/20/2005 11:39:00 PM  

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