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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


The word epiphany has several meanings, the one that closer describes this writing is this: a sudden, intuitive perception of, or insight into, reality or the essential meaning of something, often initiated by some simple, commonplace occurrence. Or it is a literary work or section of a work presenting such a moment of revelation and insight.

Mark Twain once said: “A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.” When I see the mental picture of the action that must have inspired this statement, I feel that this could possibly be called an epiphany. Or at least it would be epiphanous in direction and the pain involved would certainly inspire a person not to do it again.

Please be aware that this writing is not to make light of more serious spiritual experiences because this type of thing will be herein described as well. But after pondering this meaning of the word, it occurred to me that these things are an almost daily happening with me – and sometimes several times in a day. Of course the things deemed and/or defined as epiphanic might vary from person to person.

Sunday morning when I went outside to check the weather before going to church, one of these experiences occurred. Standing just outside the garage door, I looked skyward to check the clouds and instead my eyes stopped on a mockingbird perched atop the security light pole out by the end of the driveway. As I listened, this small being of flight was singing several of the songs in his repertoire and doing an excellent job of it.

At closer listening, the whole area was alive with bird songs, but this feathered one was all I could see at that moment. As I watched, this bird would flap its wings and jump upward about three feet and then land again at the same location. I took this one to be a male trying to impress a nearby unseen female with his song and antics and/or dance – this or just expressing the joy of spring and being alive.

My inward amazement grew as I also glanced around the small portion of the neighborhood I could see and the spring colors, even the green of the new leaves, was almost breathtaking. The many colors in other yards were great but the stark white of our dogwood in full bloom was a soul stirring sight as well.

All these things together caused a rush of emotions and even a glimmer of spiritual insight about the awesomeness of God’s creation and how he made the natural parts of this planet to continue to renew itself year after year. This small revelation and perception put a huge WOW right in the middle of my day and week.

I have had epiphanies that were smaller in scope, like those caused by multi-flavored, multi-elemented and multi-layered desserts. Then others were much larger, like marriage, the birth of our children and my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But this experience was just the thing I needed for that day and according to my understanding of the meaning of the word, it can truly be called an epiphany. ec


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, my, have I been asleep??/
You have put new ways to think in front of me and now I have to look at things differently.
Life goes so fast and raising a family of five, being a helpmeet to a husband for over 60 years, be 61 in May, having all these grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I get bogged down in my joy of epiphanies.
I will try to say I am past that and mean it.
See you, Betty G

4/06/2006 12:22:00 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

I believe I had that same experience today. I took the two little boys I watch outside since the sun was shining and when the sunlight hit my face I had to stop and just soak it up. I thought about how wonderful God's creation is and even the fact He created something as amazing as light. The warmth of the sun and the feel of the breeze just added all the more blessing to the moment. God is so good!

4/06/2006 01:42:00 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Mr Eddie ~~ What a delightful post.
So many things we take for granted,are
there for us to see and appreciate all
that God has given us.
I just love to hear birds sing. All but CROWS, they do not sing and are so cruel. Thanks for this post.
Cheers, Merle.

4/06/2006 02:47:00 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

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4/06/2006 02:48:00 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

'Nearer to thee...' I feel nearer to God in the besutiful places in the world and love it when it is warm enough to say my prayers in the garden - accompanied by bird-song.
But I did have an epiphany in the tiniest church just above the harbout in Gozo near Malta. It was so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes and joy in my heart

4/06/2006 06:11:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

boopchile - Raising a family does give many opportunities for epiphanies.

adannells - Yes, God is good to drop these little glimmers of insights into our minds for amazement purposes.

merle - I agree, so many things are there for us to appreciate if we just take the time. I also agree with your dislike of a crow's "song".

pi - God reveals his wonders to us in the awesome places as well as the everyday and ordinary things if we choose to see. Thanks for stopping by the 'patch'. ec

4/06/2006 11:27:00 AM  
Blogger Bonita said...

I think I get epiphanies and enigma's mixed up - but, they walk hand in hand down the same path. Just inexplainable wonder.

4/06/2006 12:26:00 PM  
Blogger grannyfiddler said...

God is so careful about the smallest details... every beautiful and delicate feather on a bird's body, every individual note that makes up the bird's exquisite and unique melody, and every petal on every blossom of your dogwood. these serve to remind me that my small contributions to His big picture DO matter. He's a master of detail, and every line in the picture is neccessary to the whole; every note in the symphony is essential.

4/06/2006 01:56:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

bonita - Whatever these small flashes of revelation might be called and in whatever language - they are still great to me and straight from God to my spirit.

grannyfiddler - Your comparison of spring to a symphony is excellent. With every bird, tree, bush, flower bulb and even blade of grass having their notes to play. It is so sad to me that so many folks don't take time to see and hear God's wonderful drama of spring. ec

4/06/2006 04:27:00 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

There's a cat on my lap right now, and I tink he's actually daring me to pull his tail. But I will not rise to his dars! No sir!

4/06/2006 05:53:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

AC - No, indeed not, we wouldn't want that kind of epiphany. :) ec

4/06/2006 10:28:00 PM  
Blogger Janie said...

Oh such beauty that we see every day if we just stop, look, and listen. I have a poem posted on my blog that I wrote one morning while sitting on the porch. Many blessings, Janie Marie

4/07/2006 12:54:00 AM  

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