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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Sunday, March 26, 2006


To dwell is defined as meaning to live or stay as a permanent resident, or to reside. The word also means to exist or continue in a given condition or state. In my estimation the first of these definitions is not nearly as important to us individually as the second. It is certainly important to have a decent place to reside, but the mental, emotional and even spiritual conditions in which we dwell are of utmost importance.

So many dwell in the confines of inferiority with the words inadequate, incompetent, unqualified, incapable, inept and unfit constantly ringing in their ears, keeping them a prisoner in their own jail. Discouragement and disappointment tend to put even more locks on their place of confinement.

Others live in and with anger as the controlling influence of their life and with rage, wrath and fury bursting forth at any time. Aiding and abetting these emotions are the hatred and acrimony caused by past hurts. The driving force in the lives of many folks is the desire to get even with whoever caused their problems. Their time is filled with many plots of how to take revenge on their foes. They fail to see that their biggest enemy is the one looking back at them in the mirror.

One of the most horrible places to dwell is in hopelessness, a condition in which the sufferer can see no hope and no way out. This person lives in the darkness of simply putting one foot in front of the other until their life ends, sometimes by their own hand. The sad part is that this person is overlooking the best and only real answer to any problem they may have – this answer is found only in the spiritual.

The spiritual part of us is just as real as the physical, mental and emotional parts and if it is denied and starved, many symptoms will result, such as the ones already mentioned. We all have messed up and done things wrong but God offers a chance for a do-over, to be forgiven completely for the wrongs of our past and start anew. It seems that all the world looks for someone to care about them, when Jesus has been there all the time, reaching out in an invitation for us to come to Him.

The Bible verse many of us learned as a child is still true. John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ec


Blogger mreddie said...

betty white - Thank you, I'm glad it was meaningful. It's so good to know that we have a Friend that is always there for us. ec

3/26/2006 12:58:00 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr Eddie ~~ A very nice post and especially with Easter fast approaching. A time for us to think
about the great sacrifice of Jesus.
Thank you for sharing this post.
Cheers, Merle.

3/27/2006 02:41:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

merle - His love was an amazing one that caused Him to sacrifice Himself for us ornery folk. ec

3/27/2006 12:32:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You give John 3:16 as a verse we learned as children. I agree it is the verse that we never forget.
What is sad is that many children today don't learn this.
We can be forever thankful for our parents and their teachings. They will always be there for us to recall and believe.
Thank you, Betty G

3/28/2006 12:46:00 AM  
Blogger Janie said...

Thank you for this post. Written VERY GOOD. So sad to see those living in the past with so much hurting. Sometimes it takes a long time to just be still and to be thankful for today. Many Blessings, Janie Marie

3/28/2006 08:13:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

boopchile - Our lack of Bible learning as a child can leave a hole in the soul that nothing else can fill.

CGS - God can heal any and all of the broken or lacking parts of us but only if we will allow Him to do so. ec

3/28/2006 03:42:00 PM  

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