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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Sunday, January 14, 2007

compliance 2

The Spice and other friends were awaiting me in my appointed room after the surgery and we spoke much after I was settled into my more permanent bed. Later that evening it was proven to me that I had neither dignity nor modesty left when I went through the “joy” of the VERY necessary procedure of the in-out catheter, I just lay there in compliance and was grateful for the relief. Things along that line were better after that, but still a miserable night and I got very little sleep.

A clock was on the wall opposite from my bed and in my direct line of sight – it seemed to move very slowly all that afternoon and evening. Just having to lie there and not being able to sleep made the dark hours last forever. The longed for morning finally came and I ate my first solid food – I was in great gratitude to the night nurse that made this possible – since I had only liquids until then. The hospital stay was the overnight observation type and next morning when the doctor came in, he said I was doing OK and he was allowing me to go home – I was gladly in compliance with that order.

There was the normal delay for the doc to write up the orders for departure, the nurse to detach the IV line, give me final instructions and arrange for the wheelchair to take me to the front door. My trip to the front door began and the Spice departed to get the van and meet me at the entrance. It could have been a dank, dark day and still would have looked beautiful to me – I was on my way home.

The two main instructions of the doc were to not lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk and walk. I have been in compliance with both of these since day one back home. That first day home found me walking three times, though some might have called my gait somewhat of a shuffle and very slow at that. My steps have improved and some of the walks have been outside – the longest thus far has been almost a mile. The inside strolls have been around the house from one end to the other.

The old year slowly leaked away and we welcomed the new one in a very sedate and non-exciting manner – as that was about all the gusto I could muster. On New Year’s Day there was a celebration though – this was the day I could remove my bandage and take a shower again – yippee!! Had some lingering stomach problems that hung on for over a week – thankfully they are gone now.

I knew the stomach was getting back to normal when I started desiring lemon-pepper rotisserie chicken – this was a real bummer since it was too late in the evening for one of these to be obtained. We had doc appointments next day and stopped by for one of these delightful food items after the visits. We got home, fixed some side dishes and ‘chowed’ down on our feast. Since I had eaten very little over the preceding 10 days, I filled up quickly, but the meal was all I had dreamed it would be and even had a little more of it for my evening sustenance.

There remains a problem with sore muscles and joints and an inability to sleep over an hour at a time, but these are being addressed with tests. Even these do not diminish my gratitude for the repair and continuing healing of the back problem or my thanksgiving to God for what has been done already. The doc or nurse are not present to make sure I follow the proper rules, but the Spice is and to her I yield in – compliance. ec


Blogger Anvilcloud said...

You seem in pretty good spirits, and they'll probably get better once you can get some proper sleep. Good luck with that.

1/15/2007 12:32:00 AM  
Blogger Bonita said...

Continued good wishes from this corner of the world and congratulations on that mile walk. ~ Bonita

1/15/2007 06:46:00 PM  
Blogger Tim Rice said...

It sounds like you are making good progress and like anvilcloud says you sound like you are in good spirits. May God continue to bless you.

1/15/2007 07:58:00 PM  
Blogger Kila said...

Compliance to Spice is most likely a necessity if you desire happiness and good health!

I'll pray you continue to get better each day.

1/15/2007 11:01:00 PM  
Blogger Yours Truly said...

Happy recovery! I'm glad to hear that things are looking brighter and that your hospital stay was not longer than one night! Compliance to good advice pays off! May your new year continue to get better and better!

1/16/2007 02:49:00 AM  
Blogger Brenda said...

Wives are very good at keeping the injured and healing in line.

How are you feeling this week?

1/16/2007 01:56:00 PM  
Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


Good to hear you are doing well.

Take care.


PS- walk on over to Juniesplace when you feel up to it!
It's my one year BLOGaversary today!

Reading your blog was one of the first ones that got me to thinking of a BLOG of my own... :) It was something about GRITS! :)

1/16/2007 04:55:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

AC - Hopefully my physical feelings will soon catch up with the good spirits. :)

Bonita - Thanks - I've been keeping up the walking - whether I feel like it or not.

Tim Rice - Thanks, the physical is slowly starting to come around, just not fast enough for me.

Kila - So true, I do get along better if I try to get along with the Spice. :)

Yours Truly - Thanks much, I'm trying to stay in compliance as much as possible.

Brenda - She is my Spice and drill sargeant at times. Progress is good with the back - if I could just get some sleep.

Junierose - Well congrats! Time has a way of getting away from us. I do remember the one about grits - grits are sometimes very inspirational. :) ec

1/16/2007 05:19:00 PM  

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