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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I recently went to an eye doc to check up on an eye condition that I have had for a dozen or so years. It can be serious but has been stable for at least 10 years now. I also had my vision checked to update my glasses. I knew my vision was off because things had been a bit fuzzy around the edges for a while – not the warm fuzzies, just fuzzy.

It was then that it occurred to me that I had been using the same prescription glasses for at least 8 years and maybe longer. Anyway, my eyes were checked and the condition was still stable, vision was checked and new glasses were prescribed and ordered – an expensive deal, as you may know or might have guessed. I did get the glare resistant lenses that also darken in the sunlight.

They were ready a week or so later and I went to pick them up. I tried them on, she adjusted the fit and I took my eyewear to the house. When I got home I was showing them to the Spice and she liked them – not as old-fashioned as the others said she. Let me state here that I almost never wear glasses in front of the mirror, not even to shave and I certainly don’t have any hair to straighten up.

When I looked in the mirror I got the shock of my recent life. I had wrinkles on top of wrinkles but at least they were very clear and in focus. Thoughts banged on my brain that wondered how such as this happened seemingly overnight. It became painfully clear why I don’t hang around a large reflecting glass very much. I like the mental image I had of myself before the new glasses – oh well.

The next church service I attended I noticed that I could now identify clearly the members of the choir and even folks on the other side of the church. But then I was also surprised when I was up close and personal with friends before and after church. Some of them seem to have really aged – how could I have missed these aging signs before? Of course I will not name names and maybe will just leave the glasses in my pocket in the future, they are obviously made from defective materials.

Sometimes it is hard to see our spiritual selves very clearly. But when we honestly look at ourselves in the reflected standards of God’s Word, we not only see that we are not matching up but also see what we can become through God’s grace, strength and forgiveness – but it is our choice. ec


Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr. Eddie ~~ Glad you have new glasses even if they show signs of aging in ourselves and others. T least you will see better to drive
and read and blog etc etc. Thanl you for your comments and I am glad you enjoyed Read This Slowly. It reminds us to enjoy our lives, but some of us do already. You like to smell the roses and I am content with my life. Glad you recited the litlle girl with the little curl rhyme to your grands.My name Merle rhymes with curl and girl, so I heard it al lot from my Dad.
Take care, Regards, Merle.

1/30/2008 03:49:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can identify with you re seeing.
It's better not to know what is out there sometimes. For that reason I am reluctant to have cataracs taken care of.
But it is coming.
Betty G

1/30/2008 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN! Thanks for sharing!

I have noticed lately that i can't see as well as I once could... my glasses are about 3 yrs old.

1/30/2008 05:45:00 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

My eyes aren't changing very quickly these days, but I'm getting overdue for a checkup anyway. Thanks for the reminder.

1/30/2008 10:11:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

merle - The glasses are showing me way too much, I am back to my old ones now as I type.

itsboopchile - I don't mind the wrinkles on others so bad, just didn't want to see them on me. :)

jayleigh - Mine were way past due and it was a wonder that I could see anything.

AC - You're welcome - I don't think mine had really changed that fast, it had just been a long time. ec

1/30/2008 11:37:00 PM  
Blogger ancient one said...

Ha ha.. this is funny... just because it strikes so close to home with me... I'm still using reading glasses from the dollar store...but I know what you mean about seeing the surprise in the mirror.

I just did squeak by last September getting my driver's license without having to use the glasses... I 'kinda guessed at some of the letters in that "set-back" section of letters. I know I'll not be able to do that again.

1/31/2008 10:42:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

The need for glasses do hit most of us sooner or later - I need them most for reading. ec

2/06/2008 10:31:00 PM  

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