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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

grits - 3


It is almost automatic when I prepare (or fix) grits – the ratio of water to grits is 4 to 1 – this is mixed together in the pot, brought to a boil and then allowed to simmer until the grits obtain the perfect consistency. This consistency preference varies from person to person and sometimes from making to making and day to day. For instance, a person would want thicker grits on Monday to start the week than they would prefer on Friday to finish things up.

I have never cared for thin, runny grits because beside the fact that the taste is just not the same, one has to fight to keep them from running off the plate. And I do not like to fight before breakfast - or during it - or even after, as a matter of fact. My preference is thick and robust, that way you can gently blend a couple of sunny side up eggs into them and the consistency is still acceptable. The best grits is when you mix them with eggs, chipped up bacon and Monterey Jack cheese (cut in strips), then allow the cheese to melt and then slowly experience this delightful joining together of tantalizing tastes.

There is an element of romance in grits as well. But for this the grits must be cooked a little longer and lumps allowed to form. Then as you and your sweetie sit, toes to toes, slowly savoring the essence, soul and even spirit of your grits, these delectable lumps can be compared and lovingly spoken about. There is much romance in the size, shape and consistency of these lumps and this can be a marvelous time of intimate sharing together. The romanticizing is not exactly right if there is only oatmeal, cream of wheat or some other gruel involved – even if these products have lumps it’s just not the same.

It is said that leftover grits can be sliced and fried. For that to happen an extra pot would have to be cooked because there are not any leftovers while I’m around – unless they are the instant kind. One exception would be that if enough grits for an army was prepared and only two or three soldiers showed up.

Although it is hard for me to fathom, grits may not be for everybody – but there is something else that is necessary for our health. I’m speaking of our spiritual health and that is maintained by the daily intake of God’s Word and the exercise of prayer. ec


Blogger grannyfiddler said...

i've never had grits, but being a lover of earthy peasant food, i think i need to try them.

similar to the Italians' polenta, maybe?

1/11/2006 03:06:00 PM  
Blogger Bonita said...

I'm with bubba - if not for 'the daily thing', everything else is empty. No other food witll suffice.

1/11/2006 04:09:00 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

There is nothing like sitting down and enjoying the feast of God's Word. There is nothing in this world that can statisfy more.

"Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

1/11/2006 04:28:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

bubba - Seven days without the Word makes one weak - even one day can start to sap the Christian's strength.

grannyfiddler - From my understanding it is somewhat like polenta, except the corn is coarser ground with grits. Properly seasoned, there is no better "earthy peasant food" to be had.

bonita - The Bible is like a daily spiritual multi-vitamin and I like to partake of it the first thing in the morning to start the day off right.

adannells - Amen, sister - the feast that brings the real gusto - and not the chemically induced kind! ec

1/11/2006 05:46:00 PM  
Blogger Christi said...

I've never heard of Clearwater, SC, but I'm from and in SC myself. Nice to bump into you!

1/11/2006 09:54:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

christi - Clearwater is a small town between Aiken, S. C. and Augusta, Georgia. Our mail comes to the Clearwater post office - the town is unincorporated.

Both my daughters went to college in Columbia, my older graduated from USC. The younger went 2yrs to Columbia College and the last 2 at Lee University in Cleveland Tenn. ec

1/11/2006 11:07:00 PM  
Blogger Using up the words.... said...

Mr Eddie ~ While I never quite got my head around the "grits" thing... I love the way you have with taking something that is so every day, and turning it into something beautiful, and thought provoking.

I may even be tempted to try grits again one day when I'm over your way.


1/12/2006 06:23:00 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr Eddie ~~ Glad you liked
the Indian Wedding Prayer and it's
sentiments are suitable for any age.Thanks for visiting.
I liked your comment to Bubba ~~ Seven
days without the Word make us weak.!!!
Have a nice day.

1/12/2006 06:37:00 AM  
Blogger natala said...

when we were on vacation, we stopped in Hilton Head Island, SC and on the breakfast menu they had grits... my husband and i have never had grits.. and they were explained to us as "no taste and like hot cereal" it did not sound very appetizing... so we passed... now i'm wishing we would have given them a try... you make them sound much more appetizing :)

1/12/2006 06:46:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

UUTW - Grits are not so much in themselves, but an enhancer of other food items and makes everything a little richer and fuller.

merle - Thanks for stopping by and you are right that the Word is the thing that makes us strong.

natala - I do go on about stuff, don't I - like I mentioned above they are an enhancer and not delicious in themselves. ec

1/12/2006 08:36:00 AM  

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