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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Thursday, July 20, 2006

BBH - remnants

Blueberry Hill – Remnants – The garden is getting that ‘late in the season’ look, with many older, yellow leaves and some very scraggly looking plants. But much to my surprise, they are still producing. Not as much as at their peak but nonetheless still putting out the veggies.

The squash have produced the most and we have had many pans of fresh sautéed squash and onions. The last batch I picked was about a third of what they produced at their peak. The okra seems to be getting a little tired also and its output is somewhat down. The tomatoes are still doing well, but the sizes are smaller since they ripen before getting as big as at first.

The flowers planted along with the veggies are doing well, the marigolds better than the zinnias. This is mainly because the zinnias have been blooming for a while and the marigolds have been growing and just recently started putting forth their flowers. Most of these marigolds are about three feet tall.

In the small bed at the upper end of the garden, the few butternut squash have put on some fairly large edible entities – not sure exactly how many yet. The three sunflowers in the same area are just now starting to form flower heads – I may try some more of these next year, they seem to thrive on neglect more than some of the other plants – large smile.

The blueberries are definitely past their peak, but more are still on the bushes. The ones I am picking now are mostly remnants left from previous pickings, plus they are a bit smaller than the first ones – still yummy though. Unless I miss my guess, next week will see the last of the berries for this season.

During my produce gathering today I did notice a fig getting ripe on the very top of the largest tree. It won’t be long before we will be covered up with figs; they all seem to get ripe at one time. The figs at the other side of the garden will be right along with that one, but it will take the trees at the other end of the house several years to really start to produce.

The muscadines will ripen about the end of August and the hazelnuts not too long after that. The rugosa rose that I planted to produce rose hips has been a disappointment in that it produces very few and they are inferior in size. My thoughts are that it is not getting proper pollination – possibly the bugs and bees around here don’t care for the flower?

I stay in an almost constant state of amazement at the many types of plants the Creator made and the ways they grow and produce their seed. And most of these seeds are incased in something we can eat – how’s that for planning for our future? God does all things well. ec


Blogger Bonita said...

When I think of the seed, and then the mature tree in its fullness and beauty, it reminds me that all efforts (beginnings) must have Faith, because the beginning never looks like the end. Our spiritual development is like this seed, hard-crusted and small, yet resulting in spiritual fulfilment in the end.

My cherry tomatoes are completely ripe now, with the leaves turning yellow and withering. And, I've got a hiding zuchinni, fattening up.

7/20/2006 10:48:00 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

Had to google muscadines. I was right; it's a type of grape. Yum.

You had never heard the phrase "swamp cooled bedroom" because I just coined it.

It refers to a bedroom which now has a swamp cooler instead of one dinky overworked fan.

Still 107° here and forecasting 111° for weekend. If nothing intervenes, I'll be in cool San Francisco this Sunday watching my beloved Giants on "Until There's a Cure Day" (AIDS).

7/20/2006 10:52:00 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I didn't know what muscadines were either... yummy GRAPES!!! I am reminded of sitting underneath the tangled mess of our neighbor's grapevines when I was a child, eating the tart grapes until I felt sick. MMmmmm.

7/20/2006 11:40:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

bonita - I like that because the scripture says that without faith it is impossible to please God, because those that come to Him must believe that He is and is a rewarder of those that seek Him. Some of those cherry tomatoes are so sweet they are almost like dessert.

granny - I've grown muscadines for at least 25 years and they are one of the most trouble free plant I've ever grown. But they must be pruned every year or they will take over the place. And I thought it was hot here with our puny 98s and 100s - hope it works out for your Giants game.

jayleigh - Muscadines are considered a semi-wild Southern grape with a very tough outside hull. They can be eaten raw or made into jelly - some make wine out of them as well - never felt the need to do that though since I am pretty much high on life and the love of God. ec

7/21/2006 12:48:00 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr Eddie ~~ Muscadines had me beat
too, thanks Granny. It is a beaut feeling to gather the goodies that you have grown. And they taste so much better than store bought produce.
Thanks for your comments, I hope your
wife will try the recipe/ It is only a bit of extra work, but worth it.
Take care, Merle.

7/21/2006 05:27:00 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

I can't wait to actually have a yard where I can have a garden! I know just from the little plants that I have on my balcony that I love to grow things and I am up for the challenge of something bigger and better.

God does things wonderfully well! :)

7/21/2006 02:24:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

merle - I get a small feeling of pride in picking the things I have labored to grow - whether it be veggies or fruit.

adannells - God has taught me much while involved with the plants He created and I am striving to grow. It is a good feeling to grow things in one's own yard. ec

7/21/2006 03:57:00 PM  

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