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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Monday, April 23, 2007


The day about which I am writing is a bit fuzzy in the morning part. I have to assume that I got up from my nightly repose and I vaguely remember having a bowl of cereal with blueberries in it – an unusual and rare occurrence anymore – but beyond that I don’t remember a lot. Another assumption would be that I did enjoy myself, because that is what happens the vast majority of the time – wherever I go and whatever I do.

The memories that started in the early afternoon pertained to the tomato and flower plants that I picked up at the nursery a few days ago. I rounded up the necessary tools and supplies and transplanted the tomatoes first, there were ten of these – Parks Whopper (improved) – don’t know exactly what the improved part means or infers, it was just on the tag.

Next on the agenda was the flower plants purchased at the Spice’s request. They were to go in a small bed just outside the garage door and that just happened to be infested with grass and weeds. The unwanteds were none too gently removed from their places of encroachment and the flowers were gently transplanted in their place – 18 impatiens of three different colors.

Then it was back inside to get a bite to eat, get cleaned up and head to our men’s prayer/Bible study cell group, which was very meaningful as always. Got back home after ten and got to bed as soon as possible because I had already consented to sit with YD’s gruntmonkeys for SSIL to take her for a medical procedure early the next morning.

Next morning, I rose at the unearthly hour of 4:45am and made my way my appointed place of duty. They left about 6am for the procedure at 6:30 and I hung out with sleeping little ones. I worked a crossword puzzle and then it came time to awake the school-ager for a wonderful day of learning – I’m sure she thought otherwise. Finally got her out the door to ride her carpool to middle school.

Soon the small ones were up and accounted for and fed breakfast – all had cereal this particular morning – accomplished with a minimum of mess. I had taken a few items with me to make an effort to keep them entertained – three foam discs to toss like a Frisbee and one of my homemade double-barreled rubber band guns. The foam discs were just a few moments curiosity, but the rubber band gun captured them totally. We set up some paper cups on the fireplace hearth and shot them down like the cups they were. For their (and my) safety, I helped them aim and kept them out of the line of fire – this shooting adventure was exciting to them and occupied their attention for a good while.

After a while YD returned from her procedure and was going to need some time to sleep off the medication involved. Since SSIL had to go in to work, I stayed to keep the boys occupied. We did several activities to keep these young minds out of trouble and somewhat quiet, up to and including putting them down for a nap. We had prearranged for the Spice to come by to relieve me somewhat after noon. She came and I went home to relax a while before our big event at church that night.

In the stillness of a quiet house, one can commune with the One that loves them more than any other on earth. ec


Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr. Eddie ~~ Thank for your comments. Our Anzac Day is like your Veteran's Day. A solemn day to remember thise who died in all wars.
I hope YD is feeling better after her procedure- love that title, seeing as I had one last month. You seem to be a good babysitter with various ideas
to entertain. And I guess the Spice
is also feeling better. Take care,
Rgards, Merle.

4/24/2007 06:49:00 AM  
Blogger Brenda said...

Another busy day in the life of EC. Aren't GM's just the grandest of all rewards?!

4/24/2007 08:44:00 AM  
Blogger Kila said...

A rubber band gun is still one of the funnest toys ever :)

4/24/2007 12:35:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

Merle - YD is doing good, the procedure was for a look/see down the upper GI tract and all seems to be OK. Now that I'm feeling better, the Spice and I rotate the babysitting and one has to stay a jump ahead of the little ones. :)

Brenda - I've heard it said that grandchildren is your reward for not killing you own kids. :) But you are right, they are grand little critters.

Kila - True - I made several of these to use in kid games at church. Of course the big kid that made them enjoys them too. :) ec

4/24/2007 10:36:00 PM  

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