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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Saturday, February 09, 2008

TX 0208

The Spice and I had planned for a month or so to go to Texas to see OD and her crowd but it was all in doubt because of the health issues with MIL. We finally bought our plane tickets and hoped for the best. The big travel day was Friday Feb 8, we had packed and YD came by to transport us to the Augusta airport. We were hoping that this trip would not have the inconvenience of the harried and hurried taxi ride of the last trip.

The airport had been in major reconstruction for more than a year but the major parts of this project were complete. We breezed right through check-in and security and found out that our flight was actually on time and in route to pick us up. Relieved at this but still concerned about whether the plane was a turbo-prop or a jet, I was further relieved to find out that it was a jet – wow, I wasn’t used to nothing going wrong.

Nagging in the back of my mind was the concern as to whether or not our luggage would get there at the same time we did – but I would just have to deal with that when and if it happened. The plane arrived, its passengers deplaned and after a short wait, the passengers for Atlanta boarded. We were shortly in the air and after a brief flight, a pack of crackers and a bottle of water we were landing in the huge Atlanta airport.

We had a 2 hour plus layover but that was OK because that would give us time to get a bite to eat. I usually like to find our next departing gate to make sure it hadn’t been changed before doing anything else. In this case it had, so with this in mind, we went to get some few crumbs of nourishment to sustain us during the wait and coming flight. We settled for fast food since gourmet dining is hard to come by in an airport – even Atlanta.

We got our food and had a good but short conversation with a couple from Lexington, Kentucky, with whom we shared a table in the crowded dining area. We wandered back through the crush of people to our gate of departure and waited for the flight to commence. The Spice read and I did a crossword puzzle – I find the most interesting words doing that. We were soon in the air – diminishing the miles between our loved ones and us.

After 2 plus hours, another pack of crackers, a bottle of water and a couple of airline magazines, we were on the ground in Houston Texas. We phoned OD, who had already arrived in the area, to let her know we had touched down. We deplaned and made our way to the baggage claim with the thought in mind that our luggage might not be there. But this bad theory was disproved in less than 5 minutes when we claimed all three bags. OD shortly met us and we headed to her home located about an hour south of that location.

GM5 had ridden with his Mom to retrieve us and after we got back to their neighborhood, we picked up GM2 from the neighbor who had picked her up from school and arrived at OD’s residence a bit tired but happy. We were grateful to God for the safe trip and to get to see and be with this part of our family again. ec


Blogger Unknown said...

I look forward to your commentary on the Texas visit.

2/10/2008 06:56:00 PM  
Blogger ancient one said...

How nice to have everything go so right! Have a nice time visiting with your family..(but write it all down... we're waiting for the next installment..LOL

2/10/2008 09:48:00 PM  
Blogger Tim Rice said...

Good to hear that you had a safe and good trip! It's been way too long since I visited your blog. Hope all is well with you.

2/10/2008 09:48:00 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr Eddie ~~ Glad you had a safe trip to visit your older daughter.
I hope you have a wonderful time
visiting with her and her family.
Take care, Regards, Merle.

2/11/2008 05:36:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

SSN - Thanks - It is on the way!

ancient one - It was great to not have a large SNAFU during the trip - felt good.

tim rice - Thanks - Good to hear from you again, I've been a little slack myself.

merle - Things are going great so far and it's so good to be with the crew again. ec

2/11/2008 09:03:00 PM  

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