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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Monday, August 27, 2007


Here is a bit of news from the Blueberry Hill area. Stump peninsula is still growing slowly and is now even sprouting grass or grassy weeds, so it seems to have the mind to stay there a while. It will definitely stay until rain fills the pond back up. Another development is that two other very small islands have appeared on the other side of this shallow end of the pond.

On a recent walk, a large flock of geese were congregating in the yard and driveway of MIL. As I neared they meandered on back down to the pond in no particular hurry – maybe because they don’t think I can move fast enough to be a threat. This group seems to believe in the idea that the driveway is a bank because they make many deposits on its surface. It has to be all over the part that I walk on – makes me want to “close their account”.

As you may or may not know, the Spice still works at home, doing medical transcription. The old way of doing this was with a transcribing machine; basically a micro-cassette tape player with a foot control pedal and the text was typed out from the tape. Someone of our acquaintance in this same profession was moving out of town and had one of these machines for sale and I now have a new toy. Much of the time my writings come from my small audio recorder and the tape just happens to be the same size that the transcriber plays. It will save batteries in the small recorder since it plugs into a wall outlet and as toys go, the outlay wasn’t super expensive.

On another walk I noticed that a flock of geese – maybe the same poopie group – were either perched on these two tiny new islands on the pond or floating nearby and none were on stump peninsula. Maybe it made a lot of sense in the goose way of thinking – don’t know if the term “silly geese” would apply here or not. Then just a couple of laps later, all the geese were headed for the peninsula. Maybe they were going to boogie down or something – if a goose knows how to boogie.

Another use for my staff would be to defend myself from bats. On another evening stroll in the semi-darkness, I noticed a couple of bats plying the airways, searching with their sonar for a careless flying insect. As I walked along, thinking many thoughts and mentally far away from my physical location, one and then the other flew directly in front of me about two feet off the ground. It startled me back to present reality and made me wonder for a second if they mistook me for a large bug.

I finally broke down and bought some more walking shoes and they feel pretty good. The others didn’t feel bad; it’s just that the whole heel on the left one came completely loose. It was a shame too because I’ve only had them about 12 years – they just don’t make stuff like they used to.

Earthly things will all eventually wear out or break down. God’s love and forgiveness knows no limits, His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures through all generations – that’s comforting to know in a constantly changing and temporary world. ec


Blogger Unknown said...

Mr. E., it sounds as if you are more than enjoying your walks, with the possible exceptions of stepping on those deposits made by the geese. I'd not worry about the bats: they won't attack and can "see" much better than us humans.

8/28/2007 07:03:00 AM  
Blogger Brenda said...

I do not care for bats, oh no, shiver~~~. Once I was nearly grazed by flying geese, they came so close I stopped the truck and ducked,,made me a tad nervous.

Hope you had a great weekend!

8/28/2007 07:24:00 AM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

The trouble with those goosey bank accounts is that they only make deposits and no withdrawals.

8/28/2007 10:10:00 AM  
Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

:) I enjoy your walks,EC!


8/29/2007 12:16:00 AM  
Blogger ancient one said...

I think all of us picked up on your "bank" deposits...LOL

Love going on your walks with you.

8/29/2007 09:37:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

SSN - Bats and I go way back to when I used to clean them and their 'deposits' out of aerial telephone cable splice closures - nasty. And then usually I would have to resplice the wires.

brenda - I can understand your concern about the flying geese, they are not exactly small and could easily break out a windshield.

AC - So true, I found my self tip-toeing through the dollops as it were. :)

junierose - Thanks - I think I will enjoy them a bit more when the temp cools off a little.

ancient one - Thanks, the geese get a good bit of "interest" from me but it may not be the kind they want. :) ec

8/30/2007 12:28:00 AM  

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