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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Monday, September 19, 2005

paper route

During my growing up years, I home delivered the Augusta morning newspaper on a rather large route - for spending money and to help out with family expenses. From the age of twelve until high school graduation, my rising time was 4am each morning.

Out of those six years the only serious time I remember missing was about a week or so for an appendectomy - my father filled in for me then, as well as for a very few other sicknesses during that span.

The most historic event that happened to me during that time was when President Ike's motorcade passed by my brother and I in the predawn as we were preparing our papers for delivery. He enjoyed golf very much and would come fairly often to the Augusta National to play and stay in "Mamie's Cabin" - located on the grounds.

I always dreaded rainy mornings because of the extra work of trying to waterproof the paper with waxed paper - plastic bags were still a far off dream. You were almost certain to get a few complaints about wet papers or an occasional one the dog destroyed. We tried to have a few spares to replace the ones that were causing unhappiness.

Deliveries were usually finished around 7am, leaving just enough time to come home, clean up, eat breakfast and barely make it to school on time. The summer freedom from school was a real treat, allowing more time for enjoyable efforts.

There was a drugstore on my return home route, Edmunds and Jones, and back then any of that type establishment that didn't have a soda fountain wasn't worth going in - but this one did and was. They opened early - just about the time I finished my route. In the summer months a banana split special was an ongoing affair. It was not unusual for me to stop in to partake of this aforementioned delight - before going home to a large breakfast.

I did not think this of as odd, but looking back, I was in the minority - because the entire drugstore personnel would shake their heads as they prepared this gooey dessert. I never thought of this as killing my appetite - on the contrary - I believe it may have turned it up a notch or two.

My coming home with banana split on my breath may not have been great, but much preferable to other things that can be detected on breaths. ec


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