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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Friday, November 17, 2006


Until today I did not know that the adverb et cetera had a noun form – it is spelled the same, but the space is left out between the et and the cetera – not sure which verbalistic rock I have been hiding under to miss that fact. Nor did I know that the expression “and et cetera” was redundant, since the ‘and’ is built into the definition of et cetera. Who says that an old dog – or old codger – can’t learn new words?

The expression “old codger” is also somewhat redundant because a codger is an eccentric man, especially one who is old. The word codger would have to be considered a bit sexist inasmuch as it only describes an eccentric old man. Not sure what an eccentric older woman is called and do not wish to get in trouble by even approaching the subject any closer than I have already.

The first definition of eccentric is something or someone deviating from the accepted or customary character or practice, or that is unconventional, peculiar, or odd. Now while I fully grasp the meaning of the word as it applies to people, I also know that we are all unique and different from and peculiar to, each other. Therefore I offer that we are all eccentric, it’s just the most radically eccentric ones that get so labeled and noticed as such.

As applied to humans, a label is a short word or phrase descriptive of a person. American Indians of long ago received their adult name – or label, in a sense – from some large event in their life. I’ve read the stories surrounding the naming of Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, but I couldn’t help wondering about Running Bear. My main question about that was whether this particular Indian was chasing the bear or if the bear was chasing him. It seems to me that playing tag with a bear might negate the necessity to come up with a name for the Indian that got tagged by the bear.

One thing does lead to another and talking about bears made me think about my adventures with animals today. In spite of my delicate condition – still having trouble with back and leg – I can still run the vacuum if I space out the efforts with rest periods. The carpeted parts of the house offer many hiding places for dust bunnies, but the laminate flooring of our kitchen and dining area offers no such places of sanctuary.

At the very beginning of the vacuum efforts of the dining area, one of the largest dust bunnies that I have ever seen came from under the edge of the table – this was the mother of all dust bunnies. If this bunny had been used for food, it would have fed a dust family for several days. When I was through, all the bunnies had been rounded up and placed in captivity.

Captivity is not a good thing to us humans when speaking in a physical sense, but when spiritual captivity is added, it is even worse - basically double bondage. But if a person is spiritually free, this freedom can be maintained even in physical imprisonment. The only REAL freedom is the freedom of the soul and spirit that is offered by and though the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and can be received by “whosoever will” come to Him and ask. ec


Blogger Unknown said...

You defined "old codger," now define "old biddie."
Is it "peculiar," or just an old woman?
Also, I had to laugh at your dust bunnies! Probably no one can top that!!

Betty G

11/18/2006 05:30:00 PM  
Blogger Brenda said...

Ha! Old biddie was the first thing that came to mind when you mentioned the female form of the "old codger".

Hope you're having a great weekend!

11/18/2006 06:57:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You taught me something I didn’t know either: etcetera the noun. Thanks—and so forth!

11/18/2006 07:50:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

itsboopchile - A biddy is a fussbudget, especially a fussy old woman - I didn't come up with that, it's in the dictionary. :)

brenda - You hit it on the nose - I just didn't want to bring it up myself. :)

SSN - I didn't know it myself until I stumbled over it in the dictionary. ec

11/18/2006 10:30:00 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

Biddy works for me. I used another word to describe myself the other day and now I can't remember what it was. It fit though. Just remembered - "old fogey" which I believe is unisex.

I envy you your southern pecans.

Thanks for the comment.

11/18/2006 11:18:00 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Me. Eddie, Sounds like you have us all categorised. I like the way you go from one word to another - eccentric
and so on. I tend to do that myself.We
are never too old to learn something new like etcetera !! I use etc, there.
Thanks for your comments, I enjoyed the crafy market with John. And I was ready on time too. Woke a few times through the night wondering if it was time to get up. Take care, Merle.

11/19/2006 12:38:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

granny - A fogey is an extremely old-fashioned or conservative person (usually preceded by old) and it does seem to be unisex. We have some huge pecan orchards not far south of us.

merle - I've also noticed that if I have something big planned I tend to wake up a lot, not wanting to be late and miss it. ec

11/19/2006 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Not sure what an eccentric older woman is called and do not wish to get in trouble by even approaching the subject any closer than I have already.<<<<


"Junierose" just might = a female Old Codger!

11/19/2006 12:42:00 PM  
Blogger Bonita said...

Dust bunnies, running bears, old cogers, and ..... ole ladies who do not want a definition. Quite a fanciful collection of images here, MrEddie! I hope your marathon with the vaccum provide the results you desire.

11/20/2006 01:22:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

junierose - You went where I dared not go. :)

bonita - Not sure if I really have interesting days or if I just think I do - either way it's fun. ec

11/20/2006 05:38:00 PM  

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