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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

the steps

We do not have a front porch and I’m not sure at all what to call the thing that we do have. It is small enough (3ft X 4ft) to be called a stoop except it is recessed into the front wall of the house with only enough room to shelter a person as they open the front door. It could be called an alcove but the main definition of that seems to suggest that those are usually inside the house.

Whatever it is called, I went there on a recent evening just after sundown with a cup of hot tea to sit on “the steps” and soak in the sights available in the immediate surroundings. My view was of my front yard and driveway, the plants contained therein, the street, the two houses across the street and partial views of other houses nearby.

Down one side of the drive is a row of ten small blueberry bushes that are doing fairly well in spite of their sandy-soiled location. The leaves of the plants are coloring in preparation for the winter dormant season. On the other side of the drive are four paw-paw trees, also somewhat in a row. Their leaves are rather large and droopy and are among the first to drop here on Blueberry Hill. These were mere switches when planted back in 2002 and they usually take 7 or 8 years to bear fruit. Hopefully I will get to eat some paw-paws before I “kick the bucket”, as the old country expression goes.

The two June berry trees have almost finished dropping their leaves but the cornelian cherries had yet to start. These had colored nicely to an almost regal looking reddish brown but were still clinging tightly to the small tree’s branches. Continuing the yard scan from right to left, the next plant was a small seedling pecan tree that had been transplanted from the garden. Exactly how the seed got there is unsure but it started sprouting and got tilled under two or three times. Finally I decided to dig it up and transplant it to the yard.

The taproot of the small tree was in excess of two feet down but was dug up mostly intact and placed in the yard at the same depth. It had not been planted long when someone doing us a favor mowed it down accidentally. I watered the stub well and placed a plastic pipe next to the plant to keep that from happening again. It has come back and grown to about 18inches – I do appreciate tenacity in plants and this one seems to be very stubborn.

As I continued sipping my rapidly cooling hot tea, I looked across the street to the skyline at the rear of the homes of BIL and his neighbor. The horizon was made up of many very large pine trees and it looked as though the world ended just on the other side of them. The sky was still light and I saw a bat at three different times – not sure if it was just one or three different ones, but I am grateful that they are flying about, eating the bugs.

It was starting to get a bit cool and the streetlights were starting to come on when I decided to go back inside. Even though the remaining tea in my cup was just barely tepid, the viewing of these many creations of God warmed my heart. ec


Blogger Jenny said...

I too cherish quiet moments spent looking at the wonder of God's creation. :-) Thanks for the picture in my mind... what a peaceful way to start my day!

11/16/2006 08:13:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

jayleigh - I have found it very profitable for my well being to contemplate on the awesomeness of God. ec

11/16/2006 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger Tim Rice said...

Sounds like you had a blessed time of contemplation and observation. Sounds calming, too.

11/16/2006 04:45:00 PM  
Blogger Bonita said...

I hope you have many more evenings of quiet contemplation on your stoop....

11/16/2006 09:31:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You were experiencing what we sing, "I come to the garden alone."
He walks with you and talks with you as you sit and think of Him.

Your words are such a blessing to us readers.
Thank you.
Betty G

11/16/2006 09:45:00 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

That's very peaceful and nice.

11/17/2006 01:00:00 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr. Eddie ~ It is very pleasant to sit quietly and watch the world go by. Time to reflect, on what to call your porch ! Glad you enjoyed your cuppa.
Take care, Merle.

11/17/2006 07:49:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

tim rice - It was very relaxing and something I need to do more.

bonita - Thanks. Quiet contemplation is a very needful thing, something many don't take time to do.

itsboopchile - Thanks for the encouraging words.

AC - It was all that and more. Many things can be worked out when we quiet ourselves.

merle - Still didn't come with what to call that area. :) The tea was good though. ec

11/17/2006 10:06:00 PM  

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