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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


My younger daughter (YD) departed on Monday for a three-week journey to several locations in the northern part of our country. Before her departure the gruntmonkeys (GMs) all wanted to spend the night with us. Last week was busy so instead of keeping one each on 4 nights, we kept two on one night and two on another. First was the two older – GM1 and GM3 – and they are hardly any trouble to keep occupied, if fact they pretty much keep themselves occupied.

That was at the first of the week and the night for the two younger ones – GM4 and GM6 (ages 3 and 2) – came on Saturday evening. They are also fairly easy to entertain if you let them do their favorite activity – this would be the combined joy of running and screaming. This is a bit hard on older nerves and they require more effort to be distracted from those nerve-jingling involvements. The contents of the toy box helped for a while but all good things come to an end.

Now while I wasn’t feeling particularly great or energetic, I did remember the sidewalk chalk and herded the grunts out to the driveway. With the multi-colored bucket of chalk we proceeded to draw graffiti over a large portion of the driveway. They seemed to enjoy this much more than drawing on their Mom’s walls, plus they didn’t get in trouble for it. After we had the driveway looking like the landing zone for alien spacecraft, we decided to give the trampoline a turn.

Even though the little one could hardly stand up they enjoyed this immensely. This also had the effect of burning up some of the energy that they would otherwise use in their favorite activity of running and screaming – I may not be brilliant but I’m at least that smart. They were brought in, fed, bathed and put to bed without too much protest.

Along about 6:15 Sunday morning I woke to the sound of a door shutting and shortly the two-year-old came walking quietly through our bedroom. He came to my side of the bed when I spoke his name and I put him in bed between the Spice and I. He was very still for a few minutes and then the inevitable wiggles started – that finally got this tired old man from his very comfortable sleeping place.

The early riser and I went down to the kitchen and I set him up with a bowl of cereal and some juice. This occupied him for a while so I got a few bites to eat myself before the other young man got up. The Spice wasn’t feeling well so I tried to let her sleep – but she got on up anyway about the time the other grunt arose. She wasn’t up to going to church, so she watched the boys until their Mom came to pick them up for their church.

I had committed to help out in one of the children’s classes that morning, so I got ready and went solo to the house of worship. After a good class and an excellent worship service, I returned home and finished prep for lunch – we were having YD and her small clan over for sustenance. They had gone home to change clothes after their church service and shortly arrived to devour our meal of tostadas.

YD and crew left Monday morn for Pittsburgh to spend some time with SSIL, who is working there for the summer. They are all going for a reunion up in the northern territories in a few days. We kept in touch with her all the way up by cell phone and the last time I talked to her that night was when she was in Pittsburgh and had her hubby in sight. Methinks it will be much too quiet around here for about three weeks – but I will somehow manage. I am grateful for God’s guidance and protection for them on their journey. ec


Blogger Kila said...

Sounds like you have been busy! Glad you are enjoying the little ones :)

6/21/2007 12:53:00 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi mr. Eddie ~~ I hope your daughter and her family have a wonderful
holiday. Well done with the side-
walk chalk. That's a winner. I hope your wife is feeling well again by now. You both should get some rest.
Looking forward to my granddaughters' visits in July. Shepparton in well down south in Australia, but I love it here and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Take care, Regards,

6/21/2007 04:27:00 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Amen. Sounds like you were busy for a bit!!

6/21/2007 09:34:00 AM  
Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6/21/2007 12:35:00 PM  
Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Oh, my!
I sure miss those kind of times with our grands.
They are too soon - over!



(PS- Too many typos in above post!)

6/21/2007 12:39:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You are so blessed it makes my heart sing.

Betty G

6/21/2007 01:58:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You may want to spend those three weeks resting up for their return.vkr

6/21/2007 05:57:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

kila - They are a hoot - but can be exhausting for an old coot like me.

merle - The sidewalk chalk had slipped my mind, but it really worked out well. I'm already missing the gruntmonkeys, but they are having a good time up there.

jayleigh - It is always a busy time around the little grunts but it is worth it when they all come running in and find Pop-pop and give him a big hug.

junierose - I know that the time is coming when they will have other interests - I'll just enjoy them while I can.

itsboopchile - They are a blessing wrapped in loud, energetic packages.

SSN - I'm resting up for now, but I still miss the little grunts. ec

6/21/2007 11:26:00 PM  

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