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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


This evening’s walk blessed me with a very beautiful sunset. The sun had been down only minutes and the western location of it’s sinking was clear but there was a band of fluffy clouds above that area. These clouds were a bright peach color dappled in light grey from the fluffiness of these heavenly bodies. The clear area was an amazing baby blue in color. My eyes and mind gratefully drank in this natural beauty that God made just for me to enjoy.

During this same walk I came to the conclusion – again – for the umpteenth time that I don’t need to walk as fast as I possibly can every time I come out. In fact, a semi-relaxed gait of long strides not only covers the distance at a fair pace but it seems to be better for my back in that it stretches and relaxes it as I go. This also doesn’t drain my energy level so much that it takes two days to recover. Who says an old dog can’t learn new tricks, over and over and over and over.

The garden has been a scraggly mess ever since the veggies quit producing. This mess involves thick growths of grass and weeds that are ever opportunistic to grow in an unkempt area. The old saying that nature abhors a vacuum is ever so true – in fact, it delights to fill it up with anything available, either from seeds nearby or those blown in by the ill winds of weed spreading.

The tomatoes were the only thing still green but had quit producing fruit – then they turned around and started all over again. In varying stages of ripeness, 16 of them were picked and though they were small, it was still a bonus to have this produce in late season. Many more green ones are present and will also ripen if the frost holds off a while longer.

The process of cleaning out the other rows has begun, with the goal in mind of removing the dead vegetation along with the weeds and grass. The first area I started on was where the cucumbers were and I discovered that the wonderful idea of putting a barrier between the cukes and the deer back in the spring wasn’t so great during the removal process.

Concrete blocks and fence wire had made up the materials of the barrier and while I had removed some of the blocks a few weeks back, I finished that up today. The blocks were the full sized 8X8X16 ones and are not light. By the time these last 19 were stacked, my energy was at the dragging level. Then the vines, weeds and grass had to be removed from the wire and it had to be put away.

It was then that I remembered the two small sweet-gum trees growing in the area of my septic drain field line. These had to be removed or else the line would be full of roots. These and their roots were mostly removed but they had spread from a main root several feet away. This root was headed down so I got a drill and bored several holes in it. I filled these with salt and covered the root back up, hoping this will kill the final roots – I need to keep an eye on that.

This reminded me of the roots of bitterness that the scripture warns us about. These will spring up due to holding an offense against someone and will not only defile us but also those around us. God helps to remove these bitter roots when we forgive those who have offended us. Not an easy thing, but necessary if we ourselves are to be forgiven by God – the Word says so. ec


Blogger Unknown said...

Roots can be beneficial, for without them, plants cannot grow (I think that goes for people, too); roots can also be very destructive when they impede flow and growth.

“Roots creep under the ground to make a firm foundation. Shoots seem new and small, but to reach the light they can break through brick walls.” ~ Jane Goodall

10/23/2007 11:59:00 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr. Eddie ~~ You sure have been busy ~ always something to do in a garden. I would have left the barrier fence between the deer and the cucumbers, just pulled the weeks from it, then it's ready for next season. Such heavy blocks for you to lift. Glad you had an entertaining
walk in the previous post ~ it is great to look about and see things that could be missed. Thank you for your comments. Take care, Regards, Merle.

10/24/2007 01:46:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

SSN - At another house, the roots of a pine tree broke up our concrete driveway - they just don't know when to quit. ec

merle - The barrier materials had to be removed to allow for the cleaning up of those rows. Plus I always shift the positions of my veggies so any bad soil borne bugs won't get used to one kind. ec

10/24/2007 09:59:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Take those green tomatoes and wrap them in newspaper, set them out of the way somewhere in a box, and you will have ripe tomatoes for Christmas.
Betty G

10/24/2007 11:27:00 PM  
Blogger Kila said...

A good lesson, thank you.

10/28/2007 03:06:00 AM  
Blogger ancient one said...

I always loved Weeping Willow trees, but my husband said NO.. the roots would "mess up" the septic tank lines.. so I admire other people's trees...LOL

Good Post!!

10/29/2007 02:54:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

itsboopchile - That's a good idea, I had heard of it before. I picked about 2 dozen more today - and even though they are small, the good taste is still there. It may be another week or two before the first frost and I'll try to pick all the green ones by then.

kila - Thanks, God teaches me many things through nature - but He doesn't fuss at me if I have to learn them twice or three times.

ancient one - All trees roots are bad for the septic tank but some are worse than others. I try to keep all the trees cut down near the drain field - else it has to be redone. ec

10/30/2007 12:14:00 AM  

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