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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


It was a day in which many events occurred, not unlike other days in which many other events also occurred. None of the events on any of the days in question were alike – this because when something is done it cannot be repeated. Things can be done that are very similar but never exactly the same things. One might even say that this particular day was an event driven day but in truth all days are of that sort. At least I don’t remember a day in my life that had no events at all.

On this special day – they all are – it became time for the lunch event. As best as I recall, the sustenance of that moment was a sandwich and most likely two, since that is the usual number – I dislike lonely sandwiches. A half of a baked chicken possibly could have even joined the sandwiches – but I think I would have definitely recalled this with more clarity if it had actually happened.

But when whatever that was consumed became past tense consumption, there was a medium sized hole left in my appetite for something on the sweet side. This was followed by a certain amount of casting about and searching for something of the right size and shape to fit that hole. As I slowly meandered through the pantry, although I don’t think there are differentiated speeds included in the definition of meander, it seemed that I heard a small voice call my name.

Although there was no actual audible perception, it almost seemed so when I espied the small jar of cherry preserves. This was the same voice-like sensation that I felt when this jar of delectableness was collected and purchased. Anyway, I answered the preserves’ “call” by removing the jar lid, and with a spoon and a couple of slices of bread, transformed the sweet tartness into a taste delight. This delightfulness seemed to fit the remaining appetite hole almost exactly – it was a beautiful thing.

When this jar “spoke” to me during the grocery-buying event, it was a wonder that I heard it because so many other items were calling out to me all at the same time. The reason I try not to go into one of these food stores when I am hungry is because I over buy and sometimes these are rather odd items. I am the only one to appreciate some of the items but if I buy it, I will eat it, even if I have to finish it alone. That reminds me that I still have about a third of a jar of sauerkraut in the refrigerator.

Other events of my very busy last week and the continuing thereof this week will be written later. But there are many events in our country and world that seem so cruel and unfair that one wonders if justice and righteousness will ever prevail. It’s then that the words come to me from the chorus of a gospel song: “I’m going where the wicked shall cease from troubling – the weary shall be at rest – all of the saints of the ages – will sit at His feet and be blessed.” ec


Blogger Granny said...

Sometimes I despair when I look around me.

Thanks for the comment. I remember when I lived in Arkansas and the guys would grab their plates and head back for the t.v.

Erma was one of the funniest writers around and she usually nailed it.

Have a good Thanksgiving.

11/21/2007 12:09:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

May I assume that all of those dishes and bowls on the Thanksgiving table will be calling out to you, Mr. E?

11/21/2007 05:50:00 AM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Every day is special, eh? Sorry about your loss (post below).

11/21/2007 10:16:00 AM  
Blogger Kila said...

The good always wins out eventually.

Sauerkraut, Mmmm!

11/21/2007 08:23:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

granny - In our world it is so easy to despair but with God as our comfort, we can not only recover but we can grow strong in Him. I always enjoyed the wit of Erma.

SSN - I can almost hear the "call of the dishes" right now - it would be a bit like the "call of the wild" except most of the dishes are tame. My banana pudding can be rather mean though - my plans are to make one for our event at the brothers at noon and another for the feast at our house at 5pm. I don't think I will be nearly as hungry for the late meal. :)

AC - Heard someone say that every day on the topside of the earth is a good one and that can be true in certain parameters. I just strive to enjoy them all to whatever degree circumstances will allow. Thanks for your care for our loss.

kila - Yes, good always wins out but not always when I would desire it to. Sauerkraut is one of my occasional cravings, just haven't got around to finishing the jar. I think I will wait now until after Thanksgiving. :) ec

11/21/2007 08:43:00 PM  

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