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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Thursday, April 24, 2008

BBH 437

During the process of some outside work, YD came by on the way to pick up GM3 from K5. Her two young ones were with her and since she had a little extra time, I took GM4 and GM6 down to the pond to show them the goslings. We tramped around the lower pond but didn’t find them. I knew that they would be somewhere close because the little ones couldn’t fly yet.

We went up to the neighbor’s pond, known in these writings as the upper pond, and espied them on the far side of this body of water. We hiked around to that side and were able to see them fairly close before they swam off in a line between the parent geese. The young lads were awed and amazed at the sight but they didn’t want them to keep swimming away from us.

I was able to get my garden tilled up last Saturday in spite of a stubborn, hard to crank tiller – this is the tiller that I just bought last year. There must have been a piece of trash in the carburetor because when I took the air filter off and blew it out with compressed air, it started right up. Reaching the proper tilth required multiple tills over the same soil and I was very ready for a rest when I finished.

On Monday, I went to get some seed and tomato plants at my usual place and they had quit selling seed except in pre-sealed packets. But even in those they didn’t have the type cucumber I wanted – bummer! This required a trip to my back-up feed and seed store and fortunately they did have the right seed. I also got some fertilizer and a couple bags of pulverized limestone for soil neutralization.

I got back home in time to plant the cucumbers and tomatoes (Big Beef) before dark. On Tuesday I planted the squash (Yellow Crookneck) and okra. The okra is from seed that I had saved from season’s end last year. I let several pods remain on the stalks to mature and dry every year. All that remains then is to pick the dried pods, remove the seed, containerize it and place it in the freezer.

This seed is an heirloom one that came to me from my older brother and he got his from our uncle in Mississippi many years ago. Most okra is too tough and stringy when it gets longer than 6 inches but this one is still tender when 10-12 inches long. It is called “cow horn” okra – a country name – and this is because when it gets longer, it starts to curve like a cow’s horn – still tasty though.

The garden is now planted except for the small bed on top. Now residing there are the three extra tomato plants and I have decided to finish it up with tomatoes of a different type. Today was declared a rest day and I only went outside to go to YD’s for supper. Now there is only the waiting in great expectation for the first sprouts to break the ground and the small tomato plants to grow larger.

Got did good when He invented spring y’all! ec


Blogger Brenda said...

We are about 3 weeks behind with our planting due to James's accident and the fact that they are busy planting the crops on the farm. Maybe in a few days. We have great luck with Better Girl tomatoes.

4/24/2008 08:03:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Muffin and I really used to enjoy watch the mallards and their young swim in the stream that was one boundary of my apartment complex.brdfvju

4/24/2008 09:08:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

brenda - I had heard from several sources that Better Girl was a good variety but I haven't been able to find them around here (the plants). ec

SSN - It is touching to see the way the parent geese take care of their young out back on the Pond. They had some baby ducks and geese for sale in the "feed and seed" store and the goslings are really gangly looking compared to the ducklings. ec

4/25/2008 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr. Eddie ~~ The young goslings
sound lovely and I am sure the grandkids enjoyed seeing them.
Thanks for your comments about my late Mother and the birds. They are
not very large little parrots, and I think they are used to getting fed by visitors to the Sanctuary, Mum did have a cardigan on, so either it was cold, or she thought as you did.
Take care, Best Wishes, Merle.

4/25/2008 03:51:00 AM  
Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


It's always a pleasure to read about your garden planting!

We don't do any planting anymore. But I probably will get some cucumbers and cherry tomatoes- for container growing!

You're so right. God did good when he made spring! :)


4/25/2008 09:27:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

merle - I have been very impressed with the parenting abilities of the two geese raising the little ones.

junierose - The garden is just something I enjoy and my year wouldn't be the same without it. Not to mention that my kitchen cabinets would be empty without the produce laying about. :) ec

4/27/2008 11:53:00 PM  

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