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Monday, July 03, 2006

KS - Lexington Army Depot

Much to the consternation of several of those close to me, I departed the Augusta, Georgia area and arrived in Lexington, Kentucky either the 25th or 26th of November 1962. This date came from a collection of old letters written by me to Miss C, and according to them and my collection of hers to me, the romance between us was in full blossom. Miss Y was no longer in the forefront of the picture.

From a letter dated 11-27-1962, I went to the Army Depot that day to process in and got everything completed except for a check-up by the doctor. Evidently I finished up the next day – Wednesday – and started to work. A letter of 12-2-62 told of my going to the Church of God up there, and was welcomed to the church once in Sunday School class, again in the main auditorium, in the choir and they had me testify just before preaching. It seems they were glad to see me. :o)

Other letters mentioned that I really liked my job and that it was almost like not working because all the guys were so easy to get along with. On my second day in Lexington I had found a room to rent in the home of Mrs. Jones at 233 Rodes Avenue – I am told that the house has now been torn down and the property is part of a parking lot. She rented the upstairs rooms in the large two-story house – I believe I remember four of them.

I joined a car pool with two other guys; one was retired military and the other a sergeant still in the Army. The guys I worked with were part civilian and the rest Army. A letter of 12-7-62 told of visiting the retired army couple (the guy from my car pool), the Potters, and they gave me my first hot meal since I had been in Kentucky and I was invited for the next night as well. They must have felt sorry for me.

The letter of 12-11-62 said it had been snowing every day for five days and the temp for three days running was 7 degrees, 14, and 4 below zero. Other letters indicated I had been attending church, but the tone of them did not show any real spiritual depth. I was able to come home for a few days at Christmas, mostly to see Miss C.

A letter of January 8th mentions that we were in revival at church and that I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit on Monday the 7th of January 1963. I remember the revival as one of the most powerful I had attended in quite a while. That was a small step for God but a giant leap for my spiritual life.

TBC - ec


Blogger Unknown said...

Now you are close to my home!

I was a bartender at the Lexington Army Depot Officers Club from shortly after graduation and commissioning until I went on active duty three months later.

7/03/2006 09:43:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

SSN - Wow - that is getting close, what year were you there? ec

7/03/2006 11:26:00 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr Eddie~~You sure kept a lot of letters and treasures. Thanks for
your comments on my blog. Kathy is
doing well and expects to be home in a few days. Take care, Merle.

7/04/2006 08:33:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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7/04/2006 09:08:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I was a bartender at (primarily) the bar on the depot’s golf course during the summer of 1969. After graduating from the University of Kentucky and being commissioned a second looey, I had three and a half months before going to Fort Knox for Armor Officer Basic. Tending bar and selling 50 cent drinks seemed like a good way to spend the time.

7/04/2006 09:09:00 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I remember the time when I TRULY gave my heart to Him, even though I'd attended church my whole life. That was 5 years ago. And I am so glad He kept seeking after me, even when I turned my back on Him.

7/04/2006 09:57:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

merle - Our collection of letters is quite a treasure - still have them.

SSN - The Spice and I were going back up to Lexington in '65 - never made it - had a wreck in Tennessee - totaled the VW - almost totaled us.

jayleigh - I had been raised in church but I had to come to the adult realization that there was no other way to really live. His love is amazing. ec

7/05/2006 12:12:00 AM  

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