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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Saturday, September 02, 2006

dessert victory

Awoke to the new day (August 31st) worn out, sore, with very little energy, and just generally feeling stepped on – hope this doesn’t become a pattern for days to come. The day promised to be one of rain, we still need some, but that promise was broken. Even with Ernesto going up our coast, the rain just didn’t spread over this far.

Minor household chores ruled the day, one of which was the peeling and cutting up of peaches – a task that will be at least a part of the next several days. The Spice and I ate some of these soon after preparation. The Spice eats these tasty morsels with salt added – I have no idea why. The ones I consume are in conjunction and companionship with vanilla ice cream – a much better choice in my book – I forget which chapter.

The ingesting of a delightful dual dessert such as this has made me aware of a flaw in either my judgment or powers of estimation. My desire is that both elements of the dual dessert come out equal, with a taste of each in each spoonful. Even with much thought and serious effort one of them runs out before the other – and this time of consumption was no different.

As I was nearing the end of the ice cream, the horrible truth was starting to dawn on me that I still had many peaches and I tried to make this frozen part go further by taking just a tiny bit of ice cream per spoon. Alas, it didn’t work, and the only solution was to add more ice cream. This was done and with careful calculation the two finally came out equal, more or less. Even this faux pas was not as grievous as usual, when each element had to be added several times – I was greatly encouraged.

The morning of September 1st came and I determined that a dessert would not conquer me, as delectable as it might be. About noon I gathered enough courage to fight that battle once again to make the peaches and ice cream come out even and equal. Waiting until the Spice was away from the house on an errand – I didn’t want her to be there if I failed – I then carefully spooned the two elements of the dessert into a bowl. In a methodical manner, I slowly began the consumption, mentally measuring the remainder of each after every bite.

Savoring and calculating each spoonful, I realized that this method was paying off; even though the amounts were different, the ratio of about 3 to 1 was still there. This 3 to 1 ratio of peaches to ice cream is the school of thought that rules my consumption. The excitement started to build as the bottom of the bowl began to show itself. Would this be the final victory? With the last spoonful came a glow of success and I realized that I would never have self-doubts again – about that anyway.

Spiritual victory is much simpler than that – just accept the fact that victory over any problem we have or will ever have has already been won, and then accept the One that won this victory for us – Jesus Christ. ec


Blogger Bonita said...

I've been canning peaches, and eating them fresh too. I think they are my favorite fruit, and when eaten fresh with a bit of sugar it is like I've entered Heaven.

9/02/2006 12:49:00 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Persistence pays off doesn't it? It's a grand thing that you know what to persist with. I like a man with proper priorities.

9/02/2006 04:44:00 PM  
Blogger Tim Rice said...

Oh, blueberrypatch, you made me smile with your story of eating peaches and ice cream in such a way that neither runs out before the other. But an A+ on your persistence that led to success.

9/02/2006 07:42:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have the same problem with hot fudge and ice cream

9/03/2006 02:32:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

bonita - I am my Spice's favorite husband when I peel and cut up a large bowl full of this luscious, delectable and delightful fruit at the peak of its ripeness.

AC - Grand indeed, right up to the limits of the stomach. Like Clint Eastwood once said - "A man has got to know his limitations" - but possibly that is another subject.

tim rice - And a smile is a wonderful thing, right up there next to peaches and vanilla ice cream - only in a different arena.

SSN - On a given day I have different problems with different desserts. :) ec

9/03/2006 08:33:00 PM  
Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


Practice makes perfect!


9/04/2006 06:12:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

junierose - So true - and that peaches and ice cream taste is mostly perfect. ec

9/04/2006 08:52:00 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

I love the idea of making the peaches and ice cream even, although I don't really see a problem with having to add more ice-cream, and then more peaches, and then more ice-cream.... !

9/05/2006 10:20:00 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

sue - It was the adding one and then the other that finally drove me to the edge - of fatness. :) ec

9/05/2006 07:13:00 PM  

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