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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

MS reunion 2008

The sun had just gone down, I was out for my evening walk and all was calm and peaceful in my world. As I approached the pond, the surface of the water was as smooth as glass with the only ripples coming when the medium-sized water bird took off as I neared. The cicadas were still singing their songs and if the crickets were chirping, they were drowned out by the louder calls.

Since these walks are one of my times of pondering and sorting things out in my mind, I thought on the events of the last few days and made sure they were filed away properly in my memories. This major happening in my year began on the morning of Friday past. We were to travel to a rural area of the northeastern corner of Mississippi for an annual family reunion.

We finally got the van loaded and the trip underway about 10:30am. The mileage from my home in SC to my older sister’s place was almost 430 miles and it took us 7 hours and 17 minutes to make the journey. This included two stops, one for food and one for fuel. The driving was not as tiring as it would seem because we took two books on CD to enjoy in route.

The one we listened to on the way out was “The Wedding” and was a sequel to a book that was made into the movie “The notebook”. We were only about 2/3 through the book when we arrived. The miles had melted away and we were much fresher than usual because of the interesting literary distraction – it even helped with the white-knuckle driving through Atlanta, GA.

The sister we stayed with was my oldest one and she had moved to MS with her family while our Mom and Dad were still alive and later became their main caregiver until their passing. On arriving, we immediately started talking, laughing and catching up on things and events in the family. A short while later we got supper on the table and joined by my niece and her hubby, we took nourishment.

Major laughing, talking and enjoying each other’s presence continued through and past the meal for quite some time. I find this nephew by marriage quite interesting since in times past he had been an army ranger and then in law enforcement for years. We spoke of guns and other weaponry of our knowledge – his mostly – and the ladies spoke of many wonderful things of their interest.

The evening wound down, the niece and hubby left and I crashed into the bed, leaving the Spice and my sis still conversing. Next morn we arose, some more slowly than others and had a minimum bite to eat so as not to interfere with the coming noon feast. We then put the finishing touches on the sis’s dishes; cut up a good amount of tomatoes and cucumbers I brought from SC and headed out.

Will continue this in the next posting – God is good. ec


Blogger Brenda said...

Good food and time with family are treasures.

8/05/2008 08:13:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Family reunions can be grand events!

8/05/2008 10:26:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

brenda - Well said and I totally agree!

SSN - It was a grand event and I so much enjoyed seeing many family members that I only see once a year. ec

8/06/2008 12:12:00 AM  

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