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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


It was on another day, in another place and during another season and the birds had known for some time now that spring had really sprung and they reacted accordingly, filling the air with many different songs. The variations of their notes seem almost endless, allowing each species to identify their own.

There are even some copycat birds that imitate the calls of others, namely the mockingbird, some time ago I heard one of these try to sound like a hawk and it sounded like a fair representation of that call, but I don't think it struck any fear into any little fowl hearts.

Each melodious language helps them mark their territory, win a mate and keep in contact with them for the whole season. At times they sing for extended periods simply for the joy of being able to do it and praising their Creator in so doing.

I've read about and observed many of the mating rituals and dances of these feathered aviators and have been amazed and amused by them. One of these sightings was just outside a local Huddle House, near the base of a newspaper vending machine.

The two participants were tiny sparrows, the female was a drab brownish color, as were they both, but one had additional dark markings on wings and head that identified it as the male. They seemed oblivious to anything else around them, and though it only took a few seconds, the male's bobbing dance with flared wings seemed to be a fairly good effort. The female was totally unimpressed and promptly flew away, seemingly unaware of all the energy and style shown by her small suitor.

But the now solo male appeared to be less effected by the rejection than I was and flew away to dance again at another time and in another place. mreddie


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