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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Thursday, June 30, 2005


As my mind cast about in thought and considered horrible world situations, the great wrongs in our country and even some things in my personal life, a raspy, coarse whisper came to my mind - "It's hopeless, things will never change and you can't do anything about them".

But just as the cold clammy hand of despair was reaching for my very soul, I recognized the source of this voice of gloom. In my mind's eye I could almost see a leathery skinned, toad-like presence with maleficent, gleaming yellow eyes desperately trying to disguise it's voice so as not to be recognized.

Then I realized that I had listened -- however briefly -- to an evil henchman of satan - and as my mind, heart and voice reached upward in praise to my loving Heavenly Father, the evil presence immediately abandoned whatever scheme it was trying to cook up and fled to hide in a dark place - far away from the presence of the Holy Spirit.

At that point the strong, clear message came to me - "I'm still in control of the world, of your country and in your life as you allow Me to be – live in hope and let your concern be about your relationship with Me".

Afterward I wondered, are we allowed to feel these edges of despair as a lesson or because we've gotten too close to the edges - or both? In any case the answer is always the same, draw close to God and He will draw close to you. We must personally choose to quiet the noises in our life and listen - on purpose - to God's comforting and instructing voice. mreddie


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