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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Thoughts While Awaiting The Knife. The day of this writing was the day I went under the knife for the removal of a basal cell carcinoma from my scalp. The day started in the usual manner with the sun coming up and all – it was already up by the time I got up, which is usually the case.

Somewhere during or after the preparing and partaking of my usual physical and spiritual sustenance, I looked out the window to gaze upon the garden area. It was a sad sight since we have received a frost for the last two mornings – our first ones of the season. The leaves of the remaining live okra plants were freshly dead and were hanging from their stems like thin, wet, dark green cloths.

A glance out the rear kitchen window tells another sad story. The pond has continued its slow recession until two small soggy islands are now in view. We have received several rains of late but only light ones and never long enough to build the level of the pond. Since the only water source for this pond is the run-off of the neighbor’s pond or the rain and these have been very small amounts, the pond level continues to drop.

My hour of destiny was 10am and I was finally on my way to this time of non-enjoyment. On my way, did the sun seem extra bright, the color of the fall foliage more beautiful and the birds much more twitterpated – or was it just me? Do the senses of the condemned prisoner get more acute as they walk the last mile?

The traffic was light in spite of construction along the way and even limited to one lane across the Savannah River Bridge. Entering the parking garage, I took the first available space, even though the walk was further. This is because in the past I have had to go all the way to the top floor and even start back down before finding a place in which to rest my vehicle. The temp was nippy but just right for walking as I made my way over to the professional building’s elevator.

During the signing in I made sure that my insurance information was correct – since I am now very old and on Medicare. Soon I was called back to one of the ‘cutting’ rooms and though I wasn’t looking forward to this procedure, when they checked my blood pressure, it was normal. Then I was situated on a ‘cutting’ table, made semi-comfortable and the spot was numbed for the knife. Then was the worst part – I had to wait.

Even though I am writing this a little ‘keyboard in cheek’, I still do not like to wait, especially for non-pleasant things – like getting things cut off my skin. Finally the procedure got underway and even though it may have felt like four days, I walked out of her office about an hour after I went in. Even though there was a tiny bit less of me now, my steps back to the truck did not feel much lighter. God is still good, all the time. ec


Blogger Bonita said...

Will you be wearing a hat 'in future'? I hope you will still soak up the rays, but be careful when you do it - there is something good about sunshine. Ours, here, has been booted out by persistant clouds and moisture.

10/26/2006 01:09:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

bonita - The hat has been on head for the past 20 years, but my lady doc said it was exposure before that time that is the main causitive factor - that and a fair complexion. I do enjoy getting outside but the hat is always in place. We are supposed to have rain coming in tonight and all day tomorrow - it's much needed. ec

10/26/2006 04:00:00 PM  
Blogger Tim Rice said...

Hi, mreddie. I like your general attitude towards life even when you have to go through things one does not relish. Do take care of yourself. I and many others have come to appreciate you a lot. :)

10/26/2006 09:06:00 PM  
Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr Eddie ~ Glad to hear that that went off OK. I love the title TWATK
and also the name "cutting rooms"
Not quite the name to inspire hope !!
Thanks for your comment. I am so glad to hear that OD ad family are coming for Thanksgiving. Guess I know some of the things you will be thankful for.
There are so many things in our lives,
even our lives and every good thing around us. Take care, Merle.

10/26/2006 09:57:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

tim rice - Thanks much - the good side of my attitude come from a personal relationship with a loving and accepting God - awesome!

merle - This wasn't my first visit and I have come to realize that some of their rooms are more supplied with 'cutting' supplies than others. I am really looking forward to the visit of OD and clan. ec

10/27/2006 12:09:00 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

I am glad your surgery went well. I have never had anything like that done but I know I got pretty nervous when I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out. My mom just had a small patch of pre-skin cancer removed from her cheek about 2 weeks ago. My great-grampa and my mom's twin also had skin cancer on their faces and had to have it removed. They are Swedish and have very fair skin. I hope you heal up quickly! :)

10/27/2006 12:07:00 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

"Do the senses of the condemned prisoner get more acute as they walk the last mile?"

Before I started my blog, I wrote about going into the Hospital for what was one of many fertility tests and treatments. I still remember the sights and smells and the funny way the receptionist looked with crayon-orange hair. I believe you're right in your observation.

God is good, indeed.

10/27/2006 07:32:00 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Watch that "keyboard in cheek" stuff. I hear it can be painful.

10/27/2006 07:33:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

adannells - The doc tells me that these things may have started from exposure to the sun years ago. Plus my skin is very fair.

jayleigh - I do believe the statement is true, even though I was saying it a bit of a light-hearted manner, since I was reasonably sure it wasn't my last mile. :)

AC - Depends on the mouth and keyboard size. :) ec

10/28/2006 03:08:00 PM  

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