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Location: Clearwater, South Carolina, United States

Monday, May 05, 2008


Monday morning arrived after a very busy weekend at church. The day started slow because that was how this old body was feeling. After the usual intake of cereal, yogurt and scripture, I went outside to check on and cultivate the garden, something it was in the beginning stages of needing badly. Tiny invaders – weeds and grass – were starting to grow, unwanted and uninvited.

Out of 28 tomato plants, only one looked in need of emergency treatment – a case of the wilt and may have to be replaced – I still have three spares. The cucumbers were up and growing like a herd of turtles with only a few “hills” that had not emerged from the soil. A little over half of the squash had pushed their way above the surface, hopefully with the rest to follow shortly.

The okra is usually a bit slower but in this case was showing sprouts in about half of the spots that were planted. Since I save the okra seed from year to year, I am generous in sowing the seed to insure sprouts in every spot. This generosity necessitates thinning of the growing plants until only one strong one is left per “hill”. This veggie is a heat-loving one and does well in our area.

With my trusty hoe in hand, I started ridding the good soil of the plant invaders. The “middles” (the walking paths between the beds) were cleaned out one at a time and the dead plant carcasses were raked out of the garden unceremoniously – they didn’t deserve a ceremony. These dead plants included several sprouting brambles in spite of my eradication efforts in the off-season.

During my work I observed a pair of hawks circling high above the upper pond and the first thought that struck my mind was the young goslings, because this is their usual habitat. After I got tired of the heat and came in for a rest, I went back out later to check to see if they were safe – not that I could have done anything for them. I found them all swimming in the lower pond, safe and sound.

The aforementioned weekend busyness was another of our youth events, an “encounter with the cross” that started at 5:30 on Friday evening and went straight through to Sunday evening church time. As before, this involved many training sessions and much prayer with the young ones. My role was one of prayer during these sessions – hopefully beneficial to them and it certainly was to me.

This event also served to impress me once again with the young men and women that are in leadership roles in this area of our church ministry. Their sincerity, dedication and godliness shined through in all their efforts. Not only do they “talk the talk” but they also “walk the walk” and examples like these are what youth all over the world need to show them that there is a better way in Christ. ec


Blogger Merle said...

Hi Mr Eddie ~~ Those darn weeds keep
right on coming, don't they? But it is great that most of your veggies are doing well. I have never tasted okra. So you were a blonde, but are now a none. It's not the hair that is important, it's what's in the head, and the heart. Take care,
Regards, Merle.

5/06/2008 04:21:00 AM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Sounds like the garden is doing well under your tlc.

5/06/2008 08:16:00 AM  
Blogger Kila said...

I hope your tomato plants grow up strong and bountiful.

Your service of prayer sounds wonderful.

5/06/2008 07:35:00 PM  
Blogger mreddie said...

merle - If everything else grew as well as the weeds it would be an awesome garden.

AC - So far, so good but I'm ever vigilant for those plant intruders.

kila - It was an awesome time with the young people - and with the Lord. ec

5/06/2008 10:43:00 PM  

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