BBH 444
The smaller plot usually contains flowers and/or other misc. veggies. This year I decided to only plant tomatoes in it, different varieties in case some of the others didn’t do well. This area now contains three rows, each with 5 tomato plants residing therein. First row has three “Big Beef” plants and two “Celebrity” ones, the next one has five “Celebrity” and the last has five “Rutgers” – all are doing well.
Another item in the BBH news concerns the Paw Paw trees. I had mentioned in another writing that three of the four were in bloom but I had doubts that these would get pollinated and bring forth fruit. A later check tells me that at least two of the trees seem to have small fruit starting to grow. Still, this tree is new to me and I’m not quite sure – will keep you posted.
Going on to other news, while digging up some scrub trees on the rear of the property, I noticed the goose family in action down on the pond. The parent geese seemed to be teaching the young ones how to dive and get food from the pond bottom. This brought a smile to my face and reminded me of a family out for a day of fun and just splashing around in this liquid home of theirs.
On another day, I took the gruntmonkeys to the upper pond to check out the goslings. A group of 8-10 geese were on the near side making all sorts of racket and splashes – probably about gosling raising. Then on the far side, the two web-footed parents were swimming along with the young ones between them and were quietly going about the business of raising their offspring to be self-sufficient.
I saw a parallel in the human arena in that many folks make all sorts of noise and have a lot of theories about how to raise children. Then one can see parents quietly going about the work of striving to make responsible adults out of their young ones. With Mom and Dad bearing up through the young one’s mistakes and dumb stunts – and loving them through it all.
I know that all parents don’t get it right but the awesome young people that I see and associate with at our church really encourage me. God invented the family and it works great – if we go about it the way He intended. ec